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Wood stove revolution

2018 saw the largest increase in wood burning stove sales since records started. 2019 could very well exceed these figures as the public look for cheaper heating methods due to ever increasing fuel bills.

As we all know heating bills are rising month on month and there seems no sign of this trend changing just yet.

Fuel prices are lightly to continue to increase in the foreseeable future due to the weak pound and the Brexit uncertainty. It seems everybody looks to blame the Brexit talks, but the fact is this really is affecting the value of the pound and therefore increases the cost of imported fuel. 

A wood burning stove could go a long way to help you reduce your energy bills, for the most part wood burning stoves are environmentally friendly. Yes, there are initial costs to get one installed, but these will be very quickly covered especially if you can source your own wood supply at no cost.

If you decide to install a stove one benefit that nearly always goes un-noticed is how the value of your property will increase. Any estate agent will tell you that a property fitted with an eco-friendly stove is worth more and as much as 5%!

Wood to burn

Obviously with a stove a good supply of wood to burn is essential. The drier the wood is the better it will burn so matured wood (18-24 months) is a must for efficiency. Some of the best timber to burn is Ash, Oak or Cherry due to their low water content. Storage can be an issue so make sure you have a dry area big enough to store your supply.

Can we assist?

If you would like help selecting and installing a new stove please do contact us. We have fully qualified fitters (HETAS registered) and advisers waiting to take your enquiry.