Make sure you are getting value from your stove

Wood burning stove maintenance and cleaning mostly consist of regular removal of the ashes which also boosts the stove’s efficiency. You should occasionally clean the internal surfaces with a wire brush or scraper and at the same time keep a close eye on potential problems such as holes in the ash pan, cracks, spots of rust on the finish and other unusual signs that may indicate damage.

It is also advisable to clean the glass on a regular basis because the longer you postpone the cleaning the harder it gets to remove the tar deposits. Always leave your stove to cool completely before you carry out any maintenance or cleaning chores and make sure that the ash is completely cold before you dispose of it.

In addition to keeping your stove clean inside and outside, be sure to have it inspected by a licensed professional (HETAS) at least once a year to make sure that everything is working perfectly.

If there are any signs of damage such as cracks, leaks or warping, or if you have any problems with the stove do have them repaired immediately.

You are also highly recommended to have your chimney cleaned and checked by a chimney sweep at least once a year or more often if you use your wood burning stove on a regular basis. Poorly maintained or blocked chimneys pose a serious safety risk because they can cause carbon monoxide poisoning and chimney fires.

Can we help?

If you require any assistance with your wood burner, please make contact and one of our qualified fitters will be happy to assist.