rising heating costs wood burning stove

Going for the natural look with a wood burning stove

Going for the natural look?

For all those who have left the grid behind and are making a go of it on their own, wood stoves are one of the best options available anywhere on the home heating scene.

It’s also a fact that a home with a professionally fitted stove can be worth up to 5% more than one without.

Sales of wooding burning stoves are going to reach record levels this fiscal year and the future looks very bright and very warm indeed.

Log burners make great focal points for interiors and come in all shapes and sizes, they are cleaner and more efficient than open fireplaces, and can even save you money on your heating bills.

If you’re dreaming of installing one, you’re in good company – 200,000 are installed each year in the UK.

To enjoy using a log burner safely and responsibly, it’s important to do your research. Think first about the size of area that needs to be heated, as a rule of thumb, 1kW of heat output for every 14 cubic metres of space is needed to make your room 21C when it’s 1C outside.

Expert advice

For your protection and safety, you should always have a fully qualified HETAS registered professional install your wood/pellet burning appliance. At Kent Stoves, we will evaluate everything for you to ensure your safety and maximise efficiency.

Can we assist?

If you are looking at going for the natural look install a new wood burning stove, please do make contact and one of our qualified fitters (HETAS registered) will be happy to guide you.