Fueling The Revolution

Fueling The Revolution, The Wood Stove Revolution Continues….

Sales of stoves continue to increase month on month. As the UK public look for ways to reduce their heating bills.

 As we all know the cost of traditional methods of heating our homes has increased over the last two or three years and it shows no signs of stopping!!

Installing a wood stove really warrants consideration, many people who have already installed a stove including myself are reaping the rewards. As such, fueling the revolution. A correctly installed stove will save you money in the long term and enhance the value of your property.

Seek qualified advice (HETAS registered)

Before selecting a wood burning stove for your home get expert advice as to the correct model to suit your circumstances. Choosing the wrong stove will cost extra money and can be inefficient which let’s face it is just the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

Do not burn damp wood!

 This is the most fundamental thing to get right when you’re burning wood. It might be surprising, but green wood is over 50% water. Therefore that means that for every kg of green wood you add to the fire, you are effectively adding around 500ml (a pint) of water.

Make sure that your fuel has been dried properly.

Hardwood is a must for efficiency and the environment.

 Seasoning your wood

Hardwoods are denser woods that burn hotter and longer than softwoods, but you will need to let them season for up to 2 years.  (Ash is an exception and can be burnt a bit earlier although the wood burns best when seasoned.)

Can we help?

 If you would like assistance in planning, please do contact us.  One of our qualified (HETAS) registered fitters will be happy to help.