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Certified Stove Installation

If you are looking to install a wood stove, please take note.
Only use a certified wood stove
To be sure a stove meets your needs, choose a HETAS approved one, which comes from an experienced manufacturer. Apart from the safety element, wood stoves have improved so much of late it’s vital to select the correct one for your home.
If you choose professional help the fitter will consider your lifestyle and the type of property you reside in. An open-plan, well insulated home for example can use a stove to cut down fuel bills, the fitter will explain all the advantages and savings that can be made.
Professional fitting is vital for safety and insurance.
HETAS approval
Poorly installed stoves do pose very real risks from carbon monoxide poisoning to house fires and smoke inhalation, all of which can have devastating and fatal consequences.
It is recommended to use a HETAS qualified fitter to install any wood burning appliance for safety and insurance purposes.
Long term maintenance
A stove is not a “fit and forget” product. The burner itself may need very little maintenance but without regular cleaning soot builds up in the flue and this can cause chimney fires. It is highly recommended to have your burner cleaned and serviced at least once a year for safety and peace of mind.
If you require some assistance with your current or new stove, please do maker contact and one of our fully trained fitters will be pleased to guide you.