Treat your home in the new year with a new Wood-burners

Install a wood burning stove.

Wood-burners not only look fabulous, they have plenty of practical benefits too. They provide a great deal of heat for relatively little cost, and are highly efficient in comparison to open fires.  Plus, they will provide heat even if there’s a break in the power supply in your home.

For the most part, wood-burning stoves are environmentally friendly. However, make sure your wood supplier is committed to replanting the trees harvested and source locally to reduce your carbon footprint.

Wood-burners have risen in popularity for the last five years as more homes discover the benefits they have to offer. One benefit that always goes un-noticed is how the value of your home will increase after you have installed the burner. Just ask any estate agent and they will tell you a home with a wood stove is far more desirable than one without. Read more

Burning wood is good for the environment

Wood burning stoves are good for the environment.

The “green” benefits of burning wood are gaining wider and wider support every year. Burning wood cleanly only releases the same amount of CO2 into the atmosphere from a tree as when it is left to rot naturally as it would do at the end of its life cycle. What is more, harvested trees are replaced with new trees, which in turn absorb CO2 in the process of photosynthesis as they grow.

The important aspect of this argument is that the wood is burnt correctly, using a modern, efficient stove that employs secondary and even tertiary burning. As a result of these extra burning systems, as much of the combustible material as possible is used to generate heat. This also will reduce the amount of alternative gas or electricity you would have used which again is good for the environment. Read more

Install a new stove for your home to improve the comfort

We are always being asked the best place and way to install a new appliance. Stoves can be installed almost anywhere in the home but as with most things some are better than others. Some people attempt to install stoves themselves, but to install a stove safely and efficiently, the install must be completed by a HETAS registered engineer.

When it comes to flue pipes the hard and fast rule is the straighter they are the better the air will flow. Ideally, your piping should rise directly up into a chimney located above the stove but angles can be added if required. Straighter or less curved runs create stronger air drafts that will promote more efficient burning and heat creation. This will also reduce the amount of creosote build up which is far safer for your home thus reducing the risk of chimney fires.

If it’s at all possible to install your new wood burning stove in the centre of your house this without doubt is the favoured option. Once the stove has been lite you will find your whole house will become much warmer very quickly as the central chimney warms up. We always get customers commenting how much warmer the whole house gets and therefore reduces central heating costs accordingly. Read more

Log burning stoves for your home

Are you thinking of installing one in your home? Sales of stoves this year have increased at a rate never seen before as homeowners strive to reduce their energy bills. These days stoves come in all shapes and sizes and you are sure to find one to meet your wishes.

One of the big mistakes new users make is the wood they burn, it is vital for efficiency to follow the guide below.

Seasoned logs

Make Sure You Season Your Firewood for the Proper Amount of Time

People have a tendency to underestimate just how much moisture firewood contains. Nothing will cause your stove to function less efficiently than to fill it with green wood, so to avoid the problem you should begin the seasoning process in the early spring if you want your wood to be ready by the next winter. If you plan to use any wood that is larger than normal, you will need to set it out to dry even earlier than that. Essentially, you should be harvesting your wood about a year in advance of when you actually plan to burn it, if you want to guarantee that it will be properly seasoned. Read more

Stoves best options available on the home heating scene.

For all the intrepid pioneers who have left the grid behind and are making a go of it on their own, wood stoves are one of the best options available anywhere on the home heating scene.

While dependence on the grid leaves us at the mercy of others, wood burning represents the ultimate example of self-sufficiency in action. If you are willing to get out there into the forest with your transport, your chainsaw, and your trusty axe, laziness and a poor work ethic are the only things that will prevent you from collecting enough wood to keep your family comfy and toasty throughout the long cold winter. Read more

Checking your stove in time for winter

Winter is now with us and a wood burning stove will heat your homes to the maximum.

The trouble is with our busy lifestyles we tend not to check what is important to us until it goes wrong. Here are some very easy ways to ensure your stove is giving you maximum efficiency.

Check Your Door Seal for Leakage

Your wood stove door should fit tightly to keep the heat of the fire concentrated inside. To check it, you can lay a five pound note across the door gasket lengthwise and then close the door with the note still in it. If you can pull your money out with a quick tug, your door is too loose and you will want to tighten the latch described in your manufacturer’s instruction manual. If your gasket shows signs of wear or damage, you will need to replace it immediately. Read more

Must have in your home

Every few years, there emerges a piece of kit for your home that is universally coveted by the homeowning classes. In the Seventies, for example, the avocado bathroom suite and the Magimix were the new plus ultra of the day. More recently the retro-American fridge-freezer and the baby espresso machine have been the siren song.

Today, however it is the wood-burning stove after which we lust. A roaring open fire with the heat escaping up the chimney is so yesterday. To be at the cutting edge these days, one needs a new generation wood burning stove.

Nowadays they come in all shapes and sizes boasting lots of different colours and designs, unlike years gone by. Read more

Beautiful Stoves For Your Home

Beautiful stoves

These days they come in shiny red with curves; sleek stainless steel and angular; anthracite; oval or asymmetrical. There’s even one shaped like Darth Vader!

Others gleam in white enamel. You can have them installed in existing fireplaces, free standing with their own flue, even slotted neatly into dividing walls with openings both sides, to heat two rooms simultaneously.

Manufacturers of these wonderful new age appliances have seen the rapid growth in sales and have re-acted in a positive manner both in design and cost saving. The average price of a mid-range burner has in real terms reduced by 11.4% over the last four years. Read more

Friendly For The Environment

Good for the environment

Wood-burning stoves could account for 10% of the UK Government’s carbon reduction targets by 2020, according to a UK-based trade body.

The Stove Industry Alliance (SIA) said that wood-burning stoves also have the potential to produce 25% of the government’s domestic renewable heat energy target by 2020.

According to the trade body, wood-burning stoves have experienced a huge upsurge in popularity over the past decade.

More than one million UK homes are already using wood-burning stoves and fireplaces, and annual UK sales of more than 200,000 units. Read more

Upgrade Your Home

Simply an upgrade


Is this you?


Last winter, we spent our weekends alternately freezing, coaxing a reluctant fire alight, opening all the doors to let the smoke out, freezing, and finally giving in and turning on the electric heater. Our house stank of charred logs and wood smoke. The grate was a sad black hole. And it was cold, despite the central heating. Read more