best stove for me dik geurts

Best Stove For Me ?

Best Stove For Me? Efficiency and exceptionally good looking!

A modern wood burner is more efficient than many central heating systems and far more appealing to look at than a traditional white radiator.

The appeal is not just about installing a fashion statement. 

According to reports, regular use of a wood burner can knock a third off fuel bills, providing savings of at least £950 a year.

There is a huge range of stoves to choose from, ranging in price from £500 to more than £2,000. 

A key consideration is how much heat it will pump out. Years ago, you had to live in the countryside to enjoy a wood burner, but technological improvements mean they can also provide a great heating solution in many town and city homes.

Advantages of a wood burning stove

  • The net fuel cost is cheaper than heating oil, natural gas, and electricity.
  • Wood sourced locally can be free!
  • Fuel in the form of logs, wood chips, brush clippings is a renewable source, and sustainable.

If you combine these advantages along with the elegance a wood burner brings to your home its worth considering without doubt.

Help needed?

If you would like to explore your heating options please do make contact and one of our qualified fitters (HETAS registered) will be happy to assist.