best stove for me

It is time to Service your Stove

Service Your Stove

Service Your Stove. Make sure you’re ready for the coming months.

As we all know the dreaded winter months will very soon be with us, so if you have a wood burning stove NOW is the time get prepared.

Have you had your chimney cleaned yet?

Ask yourself this, when was the last time you had your stove cleaned and serviced?

If the answer is more than a year ago then you should act now to ensure your stove produces the heat required for your homes comfort.

Wood stoves are cleaner than you think.

Open fireplaces are great, but they are not very energy efficient at approximately 20%. Wood burning stoves are much more efficient, at around 80%, so you get all the benefits of a real fire without most of your money going up the chimney in smoke!

Only burn mature logs – Vital for heat and efficiency.

Wood is a far more environmentally friendly fuel than oil, gas and electricity – and subject to far less price rises. Freshly cut wood contains a lot of water, so you should dry it out before you can burn it. This can take as long as 18-24 months.

It is very unwise to burn wet or unseasoned wood as this will cause a soot build up in your chimney and make your burner very dirty.

Expert advice

For your protection and safety, you should always have a fully qualified HETAS registered professional install your wood/pellet burning appliance. At Kent Stoves, we will evaluate everything for you to ensure your safety and maximise efficiency.

Can we assist?

If you are looking to install a new wood burning stove, please do make contact and one of our qualified fitters (HETAS registered) will be happy to guide you.