Grab A Summer Stove Bargain

Grab A Summer Stove Bargain. Summertime is here, not so warm yet but….

In the summer months most homeowners try to forget the cold times and those large fuel bills. However this is the time to act as there are many very good offers available. Fitting engineers are far less busy than the winter months. No is the perfect time to grab a summer stove bargain offer.

Installing a wood burning stove in your home will:

  • Reduce energy bills
  • Likely increase the value of your property
  • Give you more control on heating your home

Managing the airflow to gain extra heat

As far as your stove is concerned, air comes in two flavours. Primary air feeds the bed of the fire, and secondary air feeds the flames above it. Additionally nearly all the energy from wood comes from burning gases released when it is heated. This means that secondary air is much more important than primary.

Vital rules you should always follow

Never completely close the secondary air vent. It’s the easiest way to create soot and tar and completely coat the glass on the front of your stove with gunk (a technical term). Also remember you’re always looking for a hot fast burn. This will be the cleanest, most efficient way of running the stove. Also consider a small hot fire is much more efficient than a large slow burning one.

Never burn green damp wood!!

This is the most fundamental thing to get right when you’re burning wood. As such it might be surprising, but green wood is around 45% water. That means that for every kg of green wood you add to the fire, you’re effectively adding around 500ml (a pint) of water.

Can we help?

 If you would like assistance, please do contact us. One of our qualified fitters (HETAS registered) will be happy to help.