Eco-Design ready stoves

Why invest in a wood stove??

Research estimates that between a quarter and a third of all London’s fine-particle pollution comes from domestic wood burning. Eco-design Ready stoves are even better for the environment. However, it turns out that 70% of wood burning emissions comes from open fireplaces, not stoves!

While most modern wood burners are greener than their ageing counterparts, Eco-design Ready stoves are even better for the environment.

All wood burning stoves must comply with the eco-design European directive in a bid to tackle air pollution and particulate emissions. Many stove manufacturers are beating the directive to the punch and producing Eco design Ready stoves that exceed the directive by as much as 75%.

Advantages of a wood burning stove are numerous!

  • The net fuel cost is cheaper than heating oil, natural gas, and electricity.
  • Wood sourced locally can be free.
  • Fuel in the form of logs, wood chips, brush clippings is renewable, and sustainable.
  • Wood supply prices are relatively stable and have been for years.
  • Professionally installed stove will add value to your property.

If you combine these advantages with the elegance a wood burner brings to your home its worth considering without a doubt.

Due to rising fuel bills homeowners are seeking alternative cost-effective heating options.

Wood burning stoves are a real alternative, these days they really do offer an impressive range of options to meet your home’s needs. Long gone are the days when wood burners were seen as an ugly and dirty heating source.

Help needed?

If you would like to explore your heating options, please do make contact and one of our qualified fitters (HETAS registered) will be happy to assist.