Are Stoves A Good Home Improvement ?

Are Stoves A Good Home Improvement?

Are you making home improvements this summer?

It’s that time of year again when we all start thinking about home improvements. All DIY superstores will tell you May equals a significant increase in sales.

One thing on all homeowner’s minds is reducing their energy bills, so, if you are thinking of changing things at home do consider installing a wood burning stove. Doing this one thing will in the long term save you a great deal of money on your Gas and Electricity bills.

Wood burning stoves always make great focal points for interiors. They are cleaner and more efficient than open fireplaces. Also they will save you money on your heating bills. Install one and get ready for your life in the winter months to get a whole lot better and warmer.

If you’re thinking of installing one you should start your planning now. Sales are booming, fitters do have much longer waiting lists than ever before.

A wood stove can add value and ambience to your property.

There are some more peripheral benefits about heating your home with a wood-fuelled stove. Wood burning stoves can be used as additional cooking surfaces in the home, perfect for warm cocoa.

They also have the added bonus of saving you money on other utilities, like electricity which as we all know is expensive.

There are many things to consider when selecting stove to meet your home’s needs. Two of the most important ones. Siting of the stove and the kw required to heat your defined area, get these right and you will save a lot of money!

Can we assist?

If you would like to know more about heating with a wood burner, please make contact and one of our fully qualified fitters (HETAS registered) will be happy to help.

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Heat Efficiency

Heat Efficiency and the secret to a good fire which produces constant heat. Firstly most importantly, wood that has been seasoned for more than a year. In the case of oak, you’ll want to season the wood at least two years, sometimes longer. Much of the wood for sale these days is green and needs another year at least to season correctly.

Seasoned wood burns much better than green wood. This is because it produces more heat and less creosote build-up in the fireplace and chimney. Green or unseasoned wood, on the other hand, is hard to light and difficult to keep burning. If your wood smoulders and burns poorly with little heat, it’s probably green wood which has a high-water content.

You can tell if the wood is seasoned by looking at it. On the outside, seasoned wood probably looks grey and dusty from sitting around for a while. But on the inside, it’s often dry and white, usually lighter than on the outside.

New wood, on the other hand looks like it came fresh from the timber mill. Also new wood will be same colour throughout the wood.

How to save money consistently with Heat Efficiency.

There are two main types of stoves: multi fuel or wood burning. On average 58% of people own a wood burning stove, and 42% a multi fuel stove.

Multi fuel stoves can burn pellets and coal as well as wood. But bear in mind pellet tends to be more expensive. Additionally new eco design stoves offer superior heat efficiency.

Wood can be free. For example, collecting fallen branches from your garden or local woods. But you will need to have space and time to dry the wood out. As such wet wood will burn far less efficiently. Burning wood in a multi fuel stove is also possible. But because these fuels burn differently, stoves are often optimised for one type.

Can we help?

If you are thinking of installing a new wood stove please do get expert advice as fitting the incorrect stove could prove costly. Should you require assistance please do make contact and one of our fully qualified (HETAS registered) fitters. Finally we will be happy to assist and discuss and questions you have without any obligation and even arrange a free install survey


hetas registered136-griselade ideal moisture content

Ideal Moisture Content For Logs

Ideal Moisture Content and sourcing your wood for the next season.

To make sure you get the most out of your wood-burning stove, and don’t create additional pollution to the atmosphere. It’s important to use the right kind of wood.

Now is the time to source the logs. Stack them correctly and get prepared for the next season. When storing your wood ensure air can flow around. Also this will aid the drying process and produce more heat when burning.

First and foremost.

You need to burn wood that is as dry as possible. It should only contain less than 20% moisture.

Important – You can reduce the moisture content of freshly cut wood by drying it yourself. This is called seasoning. To do this, it’s best to store the wood in a dry place for at least a year, preferably two. To help you work out how dry your wood is, you can also buy a moisture meter. These cost around £20 and are readily available.

For the best results, the wood should be left on a dry surface protected from rain. Leave the sides exposed to air and wind, as it will speed up the drying process. Additionally can buy dedicated wood stores to help with this.

Wood stoves and the environment.

One very important question our fitters are always asked is how environmentally friendly are they?  As such the green benefits of burning wood are gaining wider and wider support. Burning wood cleanly only releases the same amount of CO2 into the atmosphere as from a tree. This is when it is left to rot naturally as it would do at the end of its lifecycle. Furthermore, harvested trees are replaced with new trees, which in turn absorb CO2 in the process of photosynthesis as they grow.

Can we help?

When thinking of installing a wood burning stove, please contact us. One of our fully qualified (HETAS Registered) advisers will be happy to assist and discuss ideal moisture content.

Fit a Stove this Summer

Fit A Stove Summer is on the way.

This time of year is normally quiet in the stove industry but that is NOT the case these days! Homeowners are getting wise to the savings installing a wood burning stove can have on the family budget.

If you are looking to install this summer be sure the stove meets your needs. Choose a HETAS approved one, which comes from an experienced manufacturer. Apart from the safety element, wood burner stoves have improved so much of late. Therefore it’s vital to select the correct one for your home.

If you choose professional help the fitter will consider your lifestyle and the type of property you reside in. An open-plan, well insulated home for example can use a stove to cut down fuel bills. Also the fitter will explain all the advantages and savings that can be made.

HETAS approval

Poorly installed stoves do pose very real risks from carbon monoxide poisoning to house fires and smoke inhalation, all of which can have devastating and fatal consequences.

It is recommended to use a HETAS qualified fitter to install any wood burning appliance for safety and insurance purposes.

Long term maintenance

A stove is not a “fit and forget” product. The burner itself may need very little maintenance but without regular cleaning soot builds up in the flue and this can cause chimney fires. It is highly recommended to have your burner cleaned and serviced at least once a year for safety and peace of mind.

Log Burner Stove Help?

If you require some assistance with your current or new stove, please do make contact and one of our fully trained (HETAS) registered fitters will be pleased to guide you.


Log Burner Options

Log Burner Options.

Log Burner options when looking for a solution to keeping warmer?

Well, wood heating appliances are designed for beauty and performance. As such a wood stove will be the focal point of any room. Regardless of your taste, there’s a stove designed for you and your budget.

To be honest it’s difficult to find ugly stoves or inserts nowadays. Therefore with so many beautiful stoves to choose from and the costs coming down this does make a great heating solution!

Another great advantage of wood heating is having heat when there is no power.

There’s not much more satisfying than being warm and happy around your wood stove. Particularly when all the lights in the neighbourhood are out.

The biggest advantage homeowners have with a wood burning stove is the quality of heat the burner will give off, this fact is often overlooked. Wood stoves operate on the principal of radiant heat, which warms an area faster and more efficiently than warm air being blown through a home’s vent system for example.

The powerful heat from a wood stove radiates from all sides of the unit as well as the top, sending warmth in all directions.

Fitted in a central position in your home you will be amazed how the rest of your house suddenly gets a whole lot warmer.

Expert advice (HETAS) registered.

For your protection and safety, always have a fully qualified professional install your wood stove pellet burning appliance. At Kent Stoves, we will evaluate everything for you to ensure your safety and maximise efficiency.

Can we assist?

Finally if you would like to know more about heating with a wood burner, please make contact.  Then one of our fully qualified fitters (HETAS) registered will be happy to help.

best stove for me dik geurts

Best Stove For Me ?

Best Stove For Me? Efficiency and exceptionally good looking!

A modern wood burner is more efficient than many central heating systems and far more appealing to look at than a traditional white radiator.

The appeal is not just about installing a fashion statement. 

According to reports, regular use of a wood burner can knock a third off fuel bills, providing savings of at least £950 a year.

There is a huge range of stoves to choose from, ranging in price from £500 to more than £2,000. 

A key consideration is how much heat it will pump out. Years ago, you had to live in the countryside to enjoy a wood burner, but technological improvements mean they can also provide a great heating solution in many town and city homes.

Advantages of a wood burning stove

  • The net fuel cost is cheaper than heating oil, natural gas, and electricity.
  • Wood sourced locally can be free!
  • Fuel in the form of logs, wood chips, brush clippings is a renewable source, and sustainable.

If you combine these advantages along with the elegance a wood burner brings to your home its worth considering without doubt.

Help needed?

If you would like to explore your heating options please do make contact and one of our qualified fitters (HETAS registered) will be happy to assist.

stoves in smoke free zones log burner

Stoves in Smoke Free Zones

Stoves in Smoke Free Zones. Wood stoves, what does the future hold?

An increased awareness of environmental issues, together with rocketing fuel prices, has led to a dramatic uptake in demand for wood burning domestic heating systems.

More than one and a quarter million UK homes are already using wood burning stoves. Additionally this could be set to rise dramatically over the next few years.

The installation of wood burning, and multi-fuel stoves is “monitored” under Building Regulations.  As well as the relining or installation of flues and chimneys associated with such heat producing appliances.

Should you live in an urban area that is smoke-controlled, you’ll need to check the stove you are buying is approved. Approval by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) or go for one that has the option of burning smokeless fuels as an alternative.

It is highly recommended that stove installation work is carried out by a HETAS registered installer. The reality is that many stoves get put in unprofessionally.

Incorrectly installed stoves can be dangerous both to health and a can be fire hazards.

Expert advice

For your protection and safety, you should always have a fully qualified professional install your wood/pellet burning appliance. At Kent Stoves, we will evaluate everything for you to ensure your safety and maximise efficiency.


If you require some assistance with your current or new stove, please do make contact and one of our fully trained fitters (HETAS Registered) will be pleased to guide you.

stove installation service dik geurts

Stove Installation Service

Stove Installation Service for Log Burners.

The cold days are hopefully coming to a close.

This is an ideal time to start planning for the next season, wood stoves and chimneys need maintenance to keep them safe and efficient.

Many owners unfortunately leave this task until the new season is about to begin, they often find it difficult to get an engineer due to work loads. If you can plan well in advance!!

Environmental benefits of servicing your stove

The green benefits of burning wood are gaining wider and wider support. Burning wood cleanly only releases the same amount of CO2 into the atmosphere as from a tree when it is left to rot naturally as it would do at the end of its lifecycle.

Always use professionals (HETAS registered)

In addition to keeping your stove clean inside and outside, be sure to have it inspected by a licensed professional (HETAS) at least once a year to make sure that everything is working perfectly.

It is vital to have your chimney cleaned and checked by a chimney sweep at least once a year or more often if you use your wood burning stove on a regular basis.

Poorly maintained or blocked chimneys pose a serious safety risk because they can cause carbon monoxide poisoning and chimney fires.

Benefits of using a registered fitter (HETAS)

  • Easier to insure your property.
  • Peace of mind.
  • Total burner efficiency.
  • Long term support.
  • Qualified advice.

Help needed?

If you would like to explore your heating options, please do make contact and one of our qualified fitters (HETAS registered) will be happy to assist.

Fueling The Revolution

Fueling The Revolution, The Wood Stove Revolution Continues….

Sales of stoves continue to increase month on month. As the UK public look for ways to reduce their heating bills.

 As we all know the cost of traditional methods of heating our homes has increased over the last two or three years and it shows no signs of stopping!!

Installing a wood stove really warrants consideration, many people who have already installed a stove including myself are reaping the rewards. As such, fueling the revolution. A correctly installed stove will save you money in the long term and enhance the value of your property.

Seek qualified advice (HETAS registered)

Before selecting a wood burning stove for your home get expert advice as to the correct model to suit your circumstances. Choosing the wrong stove will cost extra money and can be inefficient which let’s face it is just the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

Do not burn damp wood!

 This is the most fundamental thing to get right when you’re burning wood. It might be surprising, but green wood is over 50% water. Therefore that means that for every kg of green wood you add to the fire, you are effectively adding around 500ml (a pint) of water.

Make sure that your fuel has been dried properly.

Hardwood is a must for efficiency and the environment.

 Seasoning your wood

Hardwoods are denser woods that burn hotter and longer than softwoods, but you will need to let them season for up to 2 years.  (Ash is an exception and can be burnt a bit earlier although the wood burns best when seasoned.)

Can we help?

 If you would like assistance in planning, please do contact us.  One of our qualified (HETAS) registered fitters will be happy to help.

Benefits of a Woodburning Stove

Benefits Of A woodburning stove, what is it and could it benefit me?

A wood burning stove is a home appliance that is used to heat the home. It is made of a metal such as cast iron or steel and generates heat by burning wood fuel in an enclosed fire chamber. They can be placed in most rooms of a house and need to allow fumes and gases to be drawn away from the room and out through flue. Wood burners have been around for many years but have risen in popularity in recent times due to their efficiency and low running costs.

Estimated savings  and benefits of a woodburning stove.

  • 74% cheaper to run than an electric fire.
  • 31% cheaper per kw than a gas effect fire.
  • 44% cheaper than oil filled heater.

Heat output.

One of the most desirable features and benefits of a wood burner is the heat output it produces. As such a wood burning stove provides a powerful heat source for your home. This means that the room or rooms get warm very quickly and effectively.

Ever more popular year on year.

In total, over 250,000 woodstoves were installed in 2023 according to the Stove Industry Alliance. This is up from 218,000 in 2022.

Fuel costs as we all know are increasing rapidly with electricity and gas prices leading the way. Installing a wood burner will help keep these rises in check.

Can we help?

For your protection and safety, you should always have a fully qualified HETAS registered professional. They should install your wood/pellet burning appliance. At Kent Stoves, we will evaluate everything for you to ensure your safety and maximise efficiency. Contact Us to find out more and to arrange a free site survey.