Getting ready for the Winter
Winter is now I’m afraid on its way and our wood burning stoves will soon be working again heating our homes to the maximum. The trouble is with our busy lifestyles we tend not to check what is important to us until it goes wrong or its too late.
Here are some very easy ways to ensure your stove is working too maximum efficiency.
Most important – door Seal
The stove door should fit tightly to keep the heat of the fire concentrated inside and not leaking. To check it, you can lay a five-pound note across the door gasket lengthwise and then close the door with the note still in it. If you can pull the note out with a quick tug, your door is too loose and you will want to tighten the latch described in your manufacturer’s instruction manual. If your gasket shows signs of wear or damage, you will need to replace it immediately. This one simple fix can save you a great deal of money over the winter months by reducing to amount of timber you will burn. Read more