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How green are wood burners?

We’re living in a very different world than we were only 15 or 20 years ago. The general public has become a lot more aware of environmental concerns and carbon footprints, and we have seen an increase in trends associated with a sustainable and ecological way of life.

Wood burning stoves have captured the interest of many homeowners; the combination of cheap heating and a cosy focal point within the property is an appealing idea. As a result, there are currently an estimated 1.5 million households in the UK with a wood burning stove, with around 200,000 more stoves being sold every year.

Many people believe a wood burning stove to be a significant step towards lowering their environmental impact, relying on a sustainable resource to heat their properties rather than purchasing energy from the central grid – much of which is generated by the burning of carbon-heavy fossil fuels. But how accurate is this idea? Are wood burners actually good for the environment? Read more

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Environmentally friendly stove

The Government has introduced a certification for stoves that meets green standards. These appliances, soon to be the only available in stores, are labelled with an “eco-design” sticker and have improved air circulation that burns more cleanly.

As well as looking for this sticker, check the efficiency rating and emissions level on your stove. If you live in a smoke-controlled area, like London, the only stoves you can legally buy are DEFRA-approved smoke exempt ones, which have been tested for emission levels during all stages of normal operation.

Upgrade to an eco-friendly model  

If your stove is 10 years old or more, you should seriously think about replacing it as it may not meet environmental standards set in the future.

Stoves available on the market now release 90% fewer emissions than open fires and 80% fewer than the stoves of 10 years ago. Newly designed stoves are also 80% efficient, increased from 60% in 2008, meaning new owners get more heat for their money. Read more

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UK Stove Sale Increase

Sales of wood burning stoves continue to increase month on month as the UK public look for ways to reduce their heating bills. As the pound unfortunately gets weaker the cost of imported fuel rises, with the uncertain time ahead the UK public are turning to alternative ways of heating.

Installing a wood stove could go a long way to solving some of the issues. Using a wood burner as back up heating really makes sense as the heat generated can help reduce central heating cost massively.

Once you have installed the burner it is very important to use it to maximize efficiency and there some very simple rules to follow. One the majority of owners ignore is air circulation. Read more

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Time to consider?

Have you considered a wood burning stove which can be used as an excellent alternative to the main central heating system in your home? Instead of turning up the thermostat try lighting the burner and you will be able to reduce the thermostat in a cold spell. If your home is well insulated and draught free you could even leave doors open and the log burner will heat assist all-round the house.

As we all know energy prices keep on going up and this is, without doubt, causing problems for many households. The problem is this situation could well continue for the foreseeable future as the pound remains weak and the Brexit talks continue. So, ask your self is it time to explore the alternatives?

If the answer is yes, then have a very serious look into a wood burner. Once you have installed one you will immediately see a reduction in your heating bills, that is certain. Read more

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Rising fuel bills

Due to rising fuel bills homeowners are seeking alternative cost-effective heating options

Installing a wood burning stove is a real alternative, these days they offer an impressive range of options to meet your home’s needs. Long gone are the days when wood burners were seen as an ugly and dirty heating source. Facts are a professionally installed wood stove can increase the value of your home.

Installing a wood stove

If you have an existing chimney installing a wood stove is relatively easy. The fitter will usually insert a liner inside the existing chimney from the burner to the exit point. For straight chimneys this can made up of sections of jointed metal pipe, which can be either single or double skinned. A double skin is more airtight and lasts longer than a single skin but of course costs more. Read more

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Efficiency and a fashion statement

Installing a wood burner could be a very wise move.

There is a large range of wood burning stoves to choose from, ranging in price from £500 to more than £2,000. 

A key consideration is how much heat it will pump out. Years ago you had to live in the countryside to enjoy a wood burner, but technological improvements mean they can also provide a great heating solution in many town and city homes.

New environmental standards for particle emissions come into force in 2022 aimed at creating a cleaner atmosphere.  Already, stove manufacturers are rolling out eco-friendly burners with a Stove Industry Alliance Eco Design-ready stamp of approval. These reduce particle emissions by 90% compared to an open fire and 80% compared to an old-style stove. Read more

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Make sure your wood is ready

People tend to underestimate just how much moisture firewood contains.

Nothing will cause your stove to function less efficiently than to fill it with green wood, so to avoid this problem you should begin the seasoning process in the early spring if you want your wood to be ready by the next winter.

If you plan to use any wood that is larger than normal, you will need to set it out to dry even earlier. Essentially, you should be harvesting your wood about 18 months in advance of when you actually plan to burn it, if you want to guarantee that it will be properly seasoned. Read more

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Efficient way to heat

A wood burning stove can be a great way to heat your home cheaply, especially if you can get logs for free. Log burners are generally used to heat just one room, rather than as a way to heat an entire home. The majority of homes in the UK have a central heating system but more and more are now backed up by a wood burning stove.

Wood burner costs and savings

How much a stove could cut your energy bill depends on various factors, including how you use your stove and how often you use it also how well your home is insulated. Also, think about how much a stove might cost to install – it could be anything between £500 and £2,000.

A lot of factors can affect the installation price. For example, if you need a new chimney built or an existing one relined. Once you have installed your stove the savings will start, make sure your supply of wood is of a good quality and at least 2 years matured. Read more

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Safety & Efficiency

A professionally fitted wood burning stove can save you hundreds on annual fuel bills but do make sure your new burner is suitable for your home.

Many people tend to install without seeking professional advice, this is fine, but if you want to get total efficiency do seek advice from a qualified (HETAS registered) fitter.

One thing is for sure, if you have a stove fitted and you are selling your property the buyer is likely to want to see a certified certificate for the installation of the stove.

Homes with a certified fitted boiler can be worth a lot more money when selling, also bear in mind some insurance companies will not accept the risk unless the stove has been professionally fitted. Read more

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Centre of attraction

Wood burning stoves are a terrific way of bringing the comfort of a real fire into your home, even if you don’t have a vast amount of space. Log burners make great focal points for interiors, they are cleaner and more efficient than open fireplaces, and will likely save you money on your heating bills. If you’re dreaming of installing one, you’re in good company – over 200,000 are installed each year in the UK.

The appeal is not just about installing a fashion statement. 

According to reports, regular use of a wood burner can knock a third off fuel bills, providing savings of at least £650 a year.

There is a huge range of stoves to choose from, ranging in price from £500 to more than £2,000.  Read more