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Safety and efficiency are key

It is crucial to have your new or replaced stove installed by a fully qualified fitter (HETAS Registered) for insurance and safety reasons. A fitter will ensure all aspects of your stove are fitted and functioning to the highest standards and therefore heating your room efficiently.

Stoves are a fantastic way to enhance the beauty of your home and give you on those cold nights warmth and comfort. It also is a proven fact that a professionally installed stove can increase the value of your property and this could be as much as 5%.

A wood burning stove could go a long way to help you reduce your energy bills, for the most part wood burning stoves are environmentally friendly compared to other forms of energy. Read more

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Like to save money on your heating bill?

Installing a wood burner in your home could save you in the long term a great deal of money. The savings will depend on how efficient your new stove is and the fuel you use. Burning wood with 20% or less moisture will minimise pollutants and increase efficiency. Kiln-dried wood has less than 20% moisture but is more expensive than seasoned logs. Most stove owners burn seasoned logs, and 23% of the owners told us they collect free wood from local resources.

Just imagine the savings you could make if you could source your own wood to burn free. 

A higher-efficiency stove should save you more and potentially cut pollution. New efficient stoves reduce potentially harmful particle emissions by more than 80%, compared with stoves from 10 years ago, according to the Stove Industry Alliance. Read more

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Getting the best results

As we all know the dreaded winter months are well and truly with us, so if you have a wood burning stove NOW is the time get prepared.

Ask yourself this, when was the last time you had your stove cleaned and serviced? If the answer is more than a year ago then you should act now to ensure your stove produces the heat required for your homes comfort.

If your thinking of installing a new stove it must comply with building regulations and the easiest way to do this is to use a qualified fitter. HETAS-registered installers deal with wood, solid-fuel and biomass domestic heating appliances and can self-certify that their work complies with building regulations, so it’s safe and legal. Read more

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Get it right and save money

To enjoy using a log burner safely and responsibly it’s important to do your research. Think first about the size of area that needs to be heated and the style of burner you would like. It’s a very good idea to check the size and cost of logs you’ll need and whether you can buy them locally. Please also remember you will require an area to store your logs, preferably outdoors and dry. Damp logs are simply no good for your burner and need to be air dried for at least 18-24 months, damp logs will cause soot build up and create extra cleaning.

Creating warmth and style

One of the most desirable features and benefits of a wood burner is the heat output it provides. A wood burning stove provides a powerful heat source for your home, meaning that the room gets warm quickly and effectively.

There are wood burners available in a range of sizes and with varying energy output levels, so you can choose a model that is appropriate for the size of room to be heated. Read more

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What to look for when selecting your new heating machine

The most important thing to look at first is the efficiency of the Stove. Look for something at around 78% efficiency or above.

Another good thing to look for is an easily controllable stove. Stoves are controlled by a single air flow lever at the front, you pull it out to let more air in and close it down to let less air in.

One of the most important considerations is the glass which should have an air wash or clear view technology. This means that you can see the flames clearly and you should barely ever have to clean the glass, assuming you’re using aged and seasoned timber with around 20% moisture content.

Another good thing to look for in a stove is a body made of steel with cast iron components. As steel can be bent to shape in a single piece it avoids the gaps that occur in a cast iron stove. This makes it highly durable and more efficient as steel is exceptional at expanding and contracting. It also heats up quickly transferring the heat. The cast Iron elements of the stove retain and radiate heat for some time after the fire has died down. Read more

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Can you really save money installing a wood burner?

Log burners claim to not only be good for the environment but also a way to cut the cost of your energy bills, also as a bonus they could add value to your property.

This financial year the stove industry is reporting record sales and installations of the traditional log burner. Sales this year are up a massive 28.7% on the same period last year.

It would seem the homeowner is seriously looking to save money on energy bills these days, it’s little wonder when you analyse the cost of the traditional fuels.

After purchase savings

 A lot of experts estimate after installation and purchase costs households will start to see savings within 3 years. There has been a big increase in sales of wood burning stoves lately, both for adding character to a home and adding value to your property – one estate agent in Kent commented “a certificated fitted wood stove could add as much 6% to the sale price, house hunters these days are looking for heating efficiency”.  Read more

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When installing a new wood stove always use a registered fitter

The installation of a wood burner must comply with building regulations and the easiest way to do this is to use a qualified fitter.

HETAS-registered installers deal with wood, solid-fuel and biomass domestic heating appliances and can self-certify that their work complies with building regulations, so it’s safe and legal.

Benefits of using a registered fitter

  • Safety
  • Easier to insure your home
  • Peace of mind
  • Total burner efficiency

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Centre point of the room

Log burners make great focal points for interiors, they are cleaner and more efficient than open fireplaces, and can even save you money on your heating bills.

If you’re dreaming of installing one as the winter approaches, you’re in good company – 195,000 are installed each year in the UK alone.

To enjoy using a log burner safely and responsibly, it’s important to do your research. Firstly think first about the size of area that needs to be heated (as a rule of thumb, 1kW of heat output for every 14 cubic metres of space is needed to make your room 21C when it’s 1C outside). Talk to a HETAS registered installer and they will be happy to guide you.

You’ll also need to factor in the cost of installation and maintenance, as these can change the final price. It’s a good idea to check the size and cost of logs you’ll need and whether you can buy them locally. You will also need a good size space to store your logs. Read more

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Efficiency and a wow factor!

A modern wood burner is more efficient than many central heating systems and far more appealing to look at than a traditional white radiator.

According to the National Association of Chimney Sweeps, the number of stoves being installed each year has more than doubled over the past decade.

The appeal is not just about installing a fashion statement.

According to reports, regular use of a wood burner can knock a third off fuel bills, providing savings of at least £650 a year.

There is a huge range of stoves to choose from, ranging in price from £500 to more than £2,000.

A key consideration is how much heat it will pump out. Years ago you had to live in the countryside to enjoy a wood burner, but technological improvements mean they can also provide a great heating solution in many town and city homes. Read more

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Wood burning stoves, why are they so popular?

Wood-burners have become a sought-after design statement during the past 10 years or so.

They can provide a sense of charm and ambiance to a property. Modern wood-burning stoves give your home that warm heart as you sit around with friends and family on winter evenings.

Increased property value

A professionally installed burner can increase the value of your property, estate agents around the Country will tell you that a home with a certified log burner is very sought after.

Rising fuel bills are on the way 

Due to rising fuel bills, homeowners are seeking different cost-effective heating options. Wood burning stoves are a very real alternative. These days wood burners offer an impressive range of options to meet your home’s needs. Long gone are the days when wood burners were seen as an ugly and dirty heating source. Read more