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Wood burning stoves, what you need to know

We all know the British weather can be very damp and cold, this is when you need a wood burner the most.

A professionally fitted wood stove will also reduce your home’s carbon footprint by at least 19% as burning wood is environmentally neutral and renewable energy. Just make sure you only burn the correct wood as recommended by your supplier

Wood burners have three main operating features. Read more

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Do you want a warmer home this winter?

A wood burning stove can be installed virtually anywhere in your home, providing there is a way to run a vent pipe to the outside of the house. This means you can zone-heat any room or space, making heating a home with a wood burner very economic and practical.

Would you like more economical heating?

Wood is an inexpensive fuel source. It costs less per BTU than oil, gas, or electricity. Homeowners who practice strategic zone heating in their homes can save hundreds of ££’s in utility bills each year. With the promise that gas and electric prices are going to rise significantly in the coming months wood burning is looking as sound alternative. Read more

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Very cost effective and efficient way to heat

A wood burning stove can be a great way to heat your home cheaply, especially if you can get logs for free. Log burners are generally used to heat just one room, rather than as a way to heat an entire home. The majority of homes in the UK have a central heating system but more and more are now backed up by a wood burning stove.

Wood burner costs and savings

How much a stove could cut your energy bill depends on various factors, including how you use your stove and how often you use it, also how well your home is insulated. Also, think about how much a stove might cost to install – it could be anything between £750 and £2,000. Read more

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The summer months are busier than ever before

Sales of wood burning stoves are increasing year on year, this year has seen exceptional growth compared to the same period last year. The strange thing is that the summer is normally quieter than the winter months, but this year is completely different as sales and maintenance enquiries keep rising.  All this and Covid-19 says a lot about the growing popularity of this form of heating.

When you look at the facts these figures are not that surprising especially as traditional heating costs seem to be increasing daily. The increases we are told are down to the looming Brexit talks and the weaker pound so if this is the case will they ever reduce?

Homeowners have responded to these increases by looking for alternative forms of heating and a log burning stove is extremely high on the wish list. Read more

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Wood stoves – Hardwood is a must for a cleaner environment and heat efficiency

For the serious fire lover, you may want to invest in hardwoods like oak, ash, hickory, walnut, and fruit trees such as apple or cherry.

Seasoning your wood

Hardwoods are denser woods that burn hotter and longer than softwoods, but you’ll need to let them season for up to 2 years.  (Ash is an exception and can be burnt a bit earlier although the wood burns best when seasoned.)

There is absolutely no point in burning unseasoned wood as you will be boiling water, and this is just inefficient and bad for the environment. Plus your hard-earned money will be wasted.

You will find that hardwood is more expensive to purchase than softwood like pine and fir. But the hardwood burns longer so you’ll need less wood and in turn save money. Read more

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Ever more popular in 2020

In total, over 215,000 wood-burners were installed last year, according to the Stove Industry Alliance. This is up from 191,000 in 2018.

Wood-burning stoves are generally installed for a reason, such as a secondary heating supply or to save money. There is a percentage who have them installed because they are fashionable and these days this combination is normal.

Fuel costs as we all know are increasing rapidly with electricity and gas prices leading the way. Installing a wood burner will help keep these rises in check.

Why so popular?

Wood-burners have become a sought-after design statement during the past decade.

They can provide a sense of charm and ambience to a property. Modern wood-burning stoves give your home that warm heart as you sit around with friends and family on winter evenings. Read more

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Wood burning stoves, what you need to know

We all know the British weather can be very damp and cold, this is when you need a wood burner the most.

A professionally fitted wood stove will also reduce your home’s carbon footprint by at least 19% as burning wood is environmentally neutral and renewable energy. Just make sure you only burn the correct wood as recommended by your supplier

Wood burners have three main operating features.

Convection Air

Many log burners include a convection system, and these are designed to distribute heat a lot more evenly around the room. The cool air within the room is drawn into the stove and as it begins to heat up, it rises before easing out into the room, making the entire space more enjoyable and comfortable. The hot air rising inside the stove draws more cool air into the stove, setting up a continuous flow. This ultimately means exceptional heating efficiency. Read more

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High performance stoves lead the way

Today’s wood heating appliances are designed for beauty and performance. A wood stove or fireplace insert can be the focal point of any room. Regardless of your taste, there is a stove designed for you and your budget. In fact, it’s difficult to find ugly stoves or inserts nowadays. With so many beautiful stoves to choose from and the costs coming down this does make a great heating solution.

The powerful heat from a wood stove radiates from all sides of the unit as well as the top, sending warmth in all directions. Fitted in a central position in your home you will be amazed how the rest of your house suddenly gets a whole lot warmer.

A wood stove can add value to your property

There are some more peripheral benefits about heating your home with a wood-fuelled stove. Wood burning stoves can be used as additional cooking surfaces in the home, perfect for warm cocoa. They also have the added bonus of saving you money on other utilities, like electricity which as we all know is expensive.

There are many things to consider when selecting stove to meet your home’s needs. Two of the most important ones. Siting of the stove and the kw required to heat your defined area, get these right and you will save a lot of money. Read more

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Never to early to plan for the coming winter

To enjoy using a log burner safely and responsibly, it’s important to do your research. Think first about the size of area that needs to be heated and the style of burner you would like.

Expert advice

For your protection and safety, you should always have a fully qualified professional install your wood/pellet burning appliance. At Kent Stoves (HETAS registered) we will evaluate everything for you to ensure your safety and maximise efficiency.

Good for the environment

Compared with using fossil fuels for heat (natural gas, propane, etc.) wood is eco-friendlier. It’s considered “carbon-neutral,” which means when it burns, it doesn’t add additional carbon dioxide to the environment.  Read more

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Wood burning stoves are exceptionally clean and super-efficient

Firstly and most important

Burning wood with a moisture level of below 20% will give twice the heat output of freshly felled timber and will also help to reduce a build-up of tar in your chimney and the environment. To achieve this correct moisture level, the wood should be seasoned or matured for approximately two years. Storage should ideally be outside and be stacked to let the air flow around the timber, this will then dry naturally.

The green benefits of burning wood are gaining wider and wider support. Burning wood cleanly only releases the same amount of CO2 into the atmosphere as from a tree when it is left to rot naturally as it would do at the end of its lifecycle. What is more, harvested trees are replaced with new trees, which in turn absorb CO2 in the process of photosynthesis as they grow. Read more