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It’s getting colder by the day.

If you have a log burning stove you will no doubt see the full benefit this form of heating has to offer in the coming months.

Wood burning stoves are becoming more popular by the day as sales increase on an unprecedented scale. More households around the country are trying to reduce their heating bills and installing a stove can certainly help towards this aim.

With Covid19 rapidly taking a grip again we have to remain at home more than ever and to make this more enjoyable a lovely woodstove burning in the house helps.

One noticeably big mistake a lot owners make is not using correctly matured timber to burn, damp logs can be dangerous and cause chimney fires. Read more

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Wood stoves gaining ground in the heating market

Wood burning stove installations are increasing annually and over the last ten years we have seen huge strides towards solving environmental issues.

Usually at this time of year interest increases due to colder weather, but this year has seen unprecedented increases like never before.

Due to rising fuel bills homeowners are seeking alternative cost-effective heating options.

Wood burning stoves are a real alternative, these days they really do offer an impressive range of options to meet your home’s needs. Long gone are the days when wood burners were seen as an ugly and dirty heating source. Read more

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Upgrade to an eco-friendly wood burner and protect the environment

If your stove is 10 years old or more, you should seriously think about replacing it as it may not meet environmental standards set in the future.

Stoves available on the market now release 90% fewer emissions than open fires and 80% fewer than the stoves of 10 years ago. Newly designed stoves are also 80% efficient, increased from 60% in 2008, meaning new owners get more heat for their money. Read more

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Time to review your heating?

Have you considered a wood burning stove which can be used as an excellent alternative to the main central heating system in your home? Instead of turning up the thermostat try lighting the burner and you will be able to reduce the thermostat in a cold spell. If your home is well insulated and draught free you could even leave doors open and the log burner will heat assist all-round the house.

As we all know energy prices keep on going up and this is without doubt causing problems for many households. The problem is this situation could well continue for the foreseeable future as the pound remains weak and the Brexit talks continue. So, ask your self is it time to explore the alternatives? Read more

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Very efficient, very safe, and elegant into the bargain

A professionally fitted wood burning stove can save you hundreds on annual fuel bills. Before having one installed be sure your new heating machine is suitable for your home.

There are a large range of wood burning stoves to choose from, ranging in price from £500 to more than £2,000. 

A key consideration is how much heat it will pump out. Years ago you had to live in the countryside to enjoy a wood burner, but technological improvements mean they can also provide a great heating solution in many town and city homes. Read more

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Popularity of wood burners keeps growing

Wood burning stoves have become incredibly popular over the last few years, and it is easy to see why. With spiralling energy costs, people are keen to find ways to save money. Not only do wood burners save money, they also create a warm feeling to a home.

Stoves can be used as an alternative to the main heating in a home, they really are an excellent supplementary heating system. When we get really cold spells and the central heating isn’t enough, or you don’t want to turn it on full blast, a stove is a fantastic form of supplement heat. Read more

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Getting ready for the winter!

Winter is on its way I’m afraid and our wood burning stoves will soon be working again heating our homes to the maximum. The trouble is with our busy lifestyles we tend not to check what is important to us until it goes wrong or it’s too late.

Here are some extremely easy ways to ensure your stove is working too maximum efficiency.

Most important – door Seal

The stove door should fit tightly to keep the heat of the fire concentrated inside and not leaking. To check it you can lay a thin piece of paper across the door gasket lengthwise and then close the door with the paper still in it. If you can pull the paper out with a quick tug, your door is too loose, you will need to tighten the latch described in your manufacturer’s instruction manual.

If your gasket shows signs of wear or damage, you will need to replace it immediately. This one simple fix can save you a great deal of money over the winter months by reducing to amount of timber you will burn. Read more

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Looking forward to winter?

You know the feeling – it’s cold and rainy outside, the wind is howling, and the sun went down hours ago.

But when you’re curled up on the sofa in front of a warm and toasty wood stove, you won’t give the weather a second thought.

And don’t think a wood-burning stove is only the preserve of a grand country pile – there are plenty of colours, shapes and sizes to choose from, so even if your decor is ultra-modern or you’ve only got a compact space to slot one in, rest assured there’s a wood burner for you.

Plus, they will help cut your energy bills, giving off enough heat to warm an entire room. So if you’ve been thinking about investing in a wood-burning get some professional advice. Read more

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Why are wood burners becoming so popular?

Wood-burners have become a sought-after design statement during the past decade.

They can provide a sense of charm and ambience to a property. Modern wood-burning stoves give your home that warm heart as you sit around with friends and family on winter evenings.

A professionally installed burner can increase the value of your home, estate agents will tell you that a home with a log burner is very sought after.

Could this be a money saver?

At first glance, it would appear that installing a wood-burner is a costly exercise, with owners spending upwards of £625 to get one installed. However, the long-term financial benefits are far more appealing as they can result in reducing the cost of other fuel sources.

Excellent quality dry wood can be found in most areas and prices differ from supplier to supplier. Obviously if you can source your own then the savings are generous indeed. Read more

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Why installing a wood stove makes perfect sense

Word on the street is that gas and electricity bills are about to rise due to the weaker pound and all the recent financial turmoil caused by the Covid-19 problems.

A wood burning stove could be the long-term answer to these rising costs and certainly warrants more investigation. Experts are predicting a very volatile twelve months ahead due mainly to the pandemic.

You can cut your energy bill
As the cost of electricity, oil and gas remains sky high, heating a property can be extremely expensive. Although the initial cost of a wood burner may be more than a gas fire, it will certainly save you money in the long run. When used efficiently, a kilowatt of heat per hour costs about one fifth of kWh of electricity and about one third of kWh of oil and gas. Read more