I Want A Log Burner

Forward planning is a must if you want to install a new wood burner.

Due to the popularity of wood stoves HETAS registered fitters are busier than ever!!

This is causing long waiting lists, so if you want a new heating machine fitted best act NOW.

Will they save you money??? The easy answer is YES.

Regular use of a wood burner can knock a third off fuel bills, providing savings of at least £500/700 a year. There is a huge range of stoves to choose from, ranging in price from £400 to more than £2,000. A key consideration is how much heat it will pump out.

The correct wood for burning in your stove is vital

To get the best heating results from your stove hardwoods are generally better for burning than softwoods. As a rule of thumb hardwoods are produced by slow-growing deciduous trees and therefore the logs have a greater density than the faster growing softwoods from evergreen trees.

Since hardwood logs are heavier than the same sized softwood logs, they will provide you with much more heat output – up to 50%!!!

For the stove owner, using hardwood logs means having to fill the stove up less often than they would with softwood logs.

Using damp wood is just like boiling a kettle!!

  • Be very hard and very slow to start.
  • Be difficult to keep going or to keep burning well.
  • Produce a very low heat output.
  • Make the glass and firebricks dirty.
  • Create excessive and rapid creosote build-up in the flue system and chimney.

Can we help?

If you would like assistance with your new or existing stove please make contact and one of our registered fitters will be happy to assist.


Cheapest Form of Heating ?

Cheapest Form Of Heating. Would you like more economical heating and a warmer home?

Firstly wood is an inexpensive fuel source. It costs less per BTU than oil, gas, or electricity. Homeowners who practice strategic zone heating in their homes can save hundreds of ££’s in utility bills each year.

With the promise that gas and electric prices are going to rise significantly in the coming months wood burning is looking a very sound alternative.

Very fast and superb quality heating

The biggest advantage homeowners have with a wood burning stove is the quality of heat the burner will give off. Woods stoves operate on the principal of radiant heat. This warms an area faster and more efficiently than warm air being blown through a home’s vent system.

Fitted in a central position in your home you will be amazed how the rest of your house suddenly gets a whole lot warmer. In turn you will reduce any other heating bills you may have as the thermostat controlling your central heating remains off.

Safety and Efficiency is key to saving .

A professionally fitted wood burning stove can save you hundreds on annual fuel bills. This can be the cheapest form of heating. But do make sure your new burner is suitable for your home. Many people tend to install without seeking professional advice, this is fine, but if you want to get total efficiency do seek advice from a qualified fitter (HETAS registered).

One thing is certain, if you have a stove fitted and you are selling your property the buyer is likely to want to see a certified certificate for the installation of the stove.

Can we help?

Finally if you would like assistance selecting and installing your new log burner, please get in touch. One of our qualified fitters (HETAS reg) will be happy to help.

local stove installers kent stoves

Will A Log Burner Save Me Money

Will a log burner save me money. Wood burner costs and savings are worth investigating.

Firstly how much a stove could cut your energy bill depends on various factors. This includes how you use your stove and how often you use it, also how well your home is insulated. Also, think about how much a stove might cost to install – it could be anything between £850 and £2,000.

Many factors can affect the installation price

If you need a new chimney built or an existing one relined this will cost extra. Once you have installed your stove the savings will start. Make sure your supply of wood is of a good quality and at least 2 years matured.

Always use a (HETAS) registered installer

To ensure you get the maximum benefit from your new wood stove it is vitally important to have it fitted correctly.

The installation of a wood burner must comply with building regulations and the easiest way to do this is to use a qualified fitter.

HETAS-registered installers deal with wood, solid-fuel and biomass domestic heating appliances and can self-certify that their work complies with building regulations, so it’s safe and legal.

Quality heating and far more comfortable.

So will a log burner save me money. The biggest advantage homeowners have with a wood burning stove is the quality of heat the burner will give off. Wood stoves operate on the principal of radiant heat, which warms an area faster and more efficiently than warm air being blown through a home’s vent system. The powerful heat from a wood stove radiates from all sides of the unit as well as the top, sending warmth in all directions.

Always fit if possible in a central position in the property.

Help with fitting and servicing?

Finally If you would like assistance choosing a new stove for your home, please do make contact. One of our HETAS qualified fitters will be happy to help.

Cost Efficient Heating

Cost Efficient Heating. Wood stoves and the environment

Firstly the UK public are installing wood stoves as secondary heating more than ever before. Mainly due to the cost savings they can provide.

One question our fitters are always asked is how environmentally friendly are they?  The green benefits of burning wood are gaining wider and wider support. Burning wood cleanly only releases the same amount of CO2 into the atmosphere as from a tree when it is left to rot naturally as it would do at the end of its lifecycle.

What is more, harvested trees are replaced with new trees. Which in turn absorb CO2 in the process of photosynthesis as they grow. So, in short, good!

A HETAS registered fitter is fully trained in fitting and able to give advice as to the most suitable wood burning stove for the area to be heated.

Seasoning your logs is vital for cost efficient heating

Wood being dried should be stacked in open areas under cover where it will be exposed to the sun and the wind. If you put it in a shed, garage, or outdoors in the shade, you will inhibit the seasoning process significantly. Having said this if you are buying pre-seasoned wood from a supplier then any form of dry storage will normally be fine.

Nothing will cause your stove to function less efficiently than to fill it with green wood!!

The biggest advantage homeowners have with a wood burning stove is the quality of heat the burner will give off. Wood stoves operate on the principal of radiant heat. As such this warms an area faster and more efficiently than warm air being blown through a home’s vent system.

The powerful heat from a wood stove radiates from all sides of the unit as well as the top. Thus sending warmth in all directions. Fitted in a central position in your home you will be amazed how the rest of your house suddenly gets a whole lot warmer.

Help required?

Finally if you would like assistance selecting your new stove or require help with your existing one, please do make contact. One of our qualified (HETAS registered) fitters will be happy to assist.


Do You Have An Open Fireplace?

Do you have an open fireplace? If you have then fitting a new woodstove into the fireplace is going to improve your heating and what’s more reduce your bills!

Firstly please remember the most important ….

Burning wood with a moisture level of below 20% will give twice the heat output of freshly felled timber. This will also help to reduce a build-up of tar in your chimney and the environment.

To achieve this correct moisture level, the wood should be seasoned or matured for approximately two years. Storage should ideally be outside and be stacked to let the air flow around the timber, this will then dry naturally.

Alternative heat and money saving!

Wood burning stoves can be used as an excellent alternative to the main central heating system in your home. Instead of turning up the thermostat try lighting the burner. You will be able to reduce the thermostat in a cold spell.

If your home is well insulated and draught free you could even leave doors open. The log burner will heat assist all-round the house.

So, as you can see there are many benefits of installing a log burner. And not to mention the fact that a professionally fitted one could increase the value of your property.

Can we help, do you have an open fireplace?

Finally if you are considering installing a wood burning stove it is particularly important to select the correct one for your home. We have fully qualified fitters (HETAS registered). We will be able to advise you on the best stove to meet your needs so please do make contact.


best stove for me dik geurts

Wood Stove Sales Increase Rapidly

Wood Stove Sales Increase Rapidly. Style and elegance assured.

As well as giving you a wonderful source of heat which is ideal during these colder months.  Wood burning stoves also look great. When you add one to your room, you will find that the wood burner becomes a new focal point, adding character and style to the living space.

The heat output is amazing.

One of the most desirable features and benefits of a wood burner is the heat output it produces. A wood burning stove provides a powerful heat source for your home, meaning that the room or rooms get warm very quickly and effectively. Just ask anyone who has installed one recently.

There are wood burners available in a range of sizes and with varying energy output levels, so you can choose a model that is appropriate for the size of the area you wish to heat. It is recommended to seek professional advice (HETAS registered) fitter in choosing as selecting the wrong stove could very costly. Wood stove sales are the way to go now with current energy bills.

Economical heating to reduce those awful heating bills!!

Wood is an inexpensive fuel source. It costs less per BTU than oil, gas or electricity. Homeowners who practice strategic zone heating in their homes can save hundreds of ££’s on utility bills each year.

Quality heating and far more comfortable

The biggest advantage homeowners have with a wood burning stove is the quality of heat the burner will give off. Wood stoves operate on the principal of radiant heat. Which warms an area faster and more efficiently than warm air being blown through a home’s vent system. The powerful heat from a wood stove radiates from all sides of the unit as well as the top, sending warmth in all directions.

Can we help?

If you are thinking of installing a wood burning stove, please contact us. One of our fully qualified (HETAS Registered) advisers will be happy to assist.

How Do I Use My Stove Properly

How do I use my stove properly? Important to get the best from your wood stove after installation!

Whether you’ve just bought a stove, are thinking of getting one, or have inherited one with a home you’ve moved into, there are several things to consider so you can make the most of your stove.

So How do I Use my Stove? To make sure you get the most out of your wood burning stove, it’s vital to use the right kind of wood. First and foremost, it’s important that you burn as dry wood as possible – ideally it should only contain less than 20% moisture. In other words, wood that has been drying for at least 18 months.

Ensure you clean your stove on a regular basis and have your chimney cleaned at least once a year but preferably twice.

These two factors alone will ensure your stove produces heat efficiently!

Wood burning stoves, important information.

A professionally fitted wood stove will also reduce your home’s carbon footprint by at least 21% as burning wood is environmentally neutral and renewable energy. Just make sure you only burn the correct wood as recommended by your supplier.

Expert advice for peace of mind and safety

For your protection and safety, you should always have a fully qualified professional install your wood/pellet burning appliance.

At Kent Stoves (HETAS registered) we will evaluate everything for you to ensure your safety and maximise efficiency.

Can we help?

If you are looking for assistance choosing a new or simply need help with your existing burner, please make contact. One of our qualified fitters (HETAS) registered who will be happy to assist.

local stove installers kent stoves

Alternatives to Gas or Electric Heating

Alternatives to Gas or Electric Heating. As we all know energy prices keep on going up and this is without doubt is causing problems for many households. The problem is this situation could well continue for the foreseeable future. So, ask your self is it time to explore the alternatives?

If the answer is yes, have a very serious look into a wood burning stove.

Wood burning stoves are getting rave reviews and are now a very serious alternative to any other form of secondary heating. Households up and down the country are looking for cheaper alternatives due to the frantically rising traditional energy supplies.

Wood burners come in all shapes and colours these days and will enhance any household.

A professionally installed stove could even increase the value of your property!!

If you decide this is for you it is vitally important to have the appliance installed professionally for safety and insurance purposes. Always us a (HETAS) registered fitter.

Wood is a much cheaper fuel

Wood is an inexpensive fuel source. It costs less per BTU than oil, gas or electricity and can save hundreds on your utility bills each year. Always ensure any wood you burn has been matured for at least 2 years.

Good for the environment

Compared with using fossil fuels for heat (natural gas, propane, etc.) wood is much more eco-friendly. It’s considered “carbon-neutral,” which means when it burns, it doesn’t add additional carbon dioxide to the environment.

Can we help?

If you are looking to install a new wood burner, please do make contact. One of our fully qualified fitters (HETAS) registered will be pleased to assist.

New Stove for the New Year

New Stove year’s resolution – treat your home to a wood stove and save money!!

Wood-burners not only look superb, but they also have plenty of practical benefits too. They provide a great deal of heat for relatively little cost and are highly efficient in comparison to open fires

For the most part, wood-burning stoves are environmentally friendly. However, make sure your wood supplier is committed to replanting the trees harvested and source locally to reduce your carbon footprint.

Heating bills continue to rise in real terms month on month, by installing a wood stove you will make huge strides to reduce your bill.

Wood-burners have risen in popularity for the last ten years as more homes discover the benefits they have to offer.

One benefit that always goes un-noticed is how the value of your home will increase after you have installed the stove professionally.


Quality installation is fundamental to your wood burner’s performance and safety. We recommend that you have your wood burner installed by a certified fitter (HETAS Registered).

Good for the environment

Burning wood from sustainable forests is carbon neutral – while trees are growing, they capture carbon dioxide from the air. This carbon dioxide is released either when the wood is burnt, or when the tree dies and rots. While some emissions are produced in the transporting and processing of the wood, this is only a very small amount per unit of heat produced.

Can we assist?

If you would like help selecting and installing a new stove, please do contact us. We have fully qualified fitters (HETAS) registered and advisers waiting to take your enquiry.


hetas registered136-griselade ideal moisture content

HETAS Registered Stove Fitter

Hetas Registered Stove Fitter when installing a new wood stove use a registered fitter!

The installation of a wood burner must comply with building regulations and the easiest way to do this is to use a qualified fitter.

HETAS-registered installers deal with wood, solid-fuel and biomass domestic heating appliances and can self-certify that their work complies with building regulations, so it’s safe and legal.

Benefits of using a registered fitter

  • Safety and guaranteed standard of installation
  • Easier to insure your home
  • Peace of mind
  • Total burner efficiency


As great as open fires are they are not energy efficient and only give approximately 20% output. Wood burning stoves are much more efficient, at around 70-90%, so you get all the benefits of a real fire without most of your money going up the chimney!

Wood stoves and the environment

More people than ever before are installing wood stoves. Mainly due to the cost savings they can provide. One question our fitters are always asked is how environmentally friendly are they?

The green benefits of burning wood are gaining wider and wider support. Burning wood cleanly only releases the same amount of CO2 into the atmosphere as from a tree when it is left to rot naturally as it would do at the end of its lifecycle.

What is more, harvested trees are replaced with new trees, which in turn absorb CO2 in the process of photosynthesis as they grow. So, in short, good!

Can we help?

If you would like advice concerning your new or existing wood stove, please make contact and one of our fully qualified (HETAS) registered fitters will be happy to assist.