best stove for me

Best Stove For Me

Best Stove For Me.

Style, elegance and superb heat!

As well as giving you a wonderful source of heat which is ideal during those colder months, wood burning stoves also look great. When you add one to your room, you’ll find that the wood burner becomes a new focal point. Naturally adding character and style to the living space.

With styles ranging from classic to contemporary, there are plenty of options available for you. Lots to consider when buying a wood burning stove which matches the décor of your home.

There are wood burners available in a range of sizes and with varying energy output levels. We can help you can choose a model that is appropriate for the size of the area you wish to heat.

Get it right!!

If you decide to install or upgrade your wood burner it is absolutely vital to select the correct level of heat output for the size of area to be heated. So many people make the mistake of choosing the incorrect stove for the job.

It is recommended to seek professional advice (HETAS registered) fitter in choosing as selecting the wrong stove could very costly.

Wood burning stoves are exceptionally clean and super-efficient

But please remember firstly and most importantly ….

Burning wood with a moisture level of below 20% will give twice the heat output of freshly felled timber. Also this will help to reduce a build-up of tar in your chimney and the environment.

To achieve this correct moisture level, the wood should be seasoned or matured for approximately two years. Storage should ideally be outside and be stacked to let the air flow around the timber, this will then dry naturally.

Can we help?

If you are thinking of installing a wood burning stove, please contact us.  One of our fully qualified (HETAS Registered) advisers will be happy to assist.