which stoves is best wood burner new model

What Are Seasoned Logs ?

Seasoned Logs

Installing a wood stove? Seasoned Logs are important. Please do following the following.

For your protection and safety, you should always have a fully qualified HETAS registered professional install your wood/pellet burning appliance. At Kent Stoves, we will evaluate everything for you to ensure your safety and maximise efficiency.

Your wood is the key to superb heat and efficiency!

Basically, the wood you need to burn should be hardwood that has matured for at least 18-24 months. Another thing to consider is storage of your wood, you will need space to store, keep dry and ventilated.

The secret to a good fire, is wood that has been seasoned for more than a year. In the case of oak, you’ll want to season the wood at least two years, sometimes longer. Much of the wood for sale now is actually green and needs another year to season.

Seasoned wood burns better than green wood, because it produces more heat and less creosote build-up in the fireplace and chimney.

Green or unseasoned wood, on the other hand, is hard to light and difficult to keep burning. If your wood smoulders and burns poorly with little heat, it’s probably green wood. That’s because unseasoned wood has a lot of liquid inside.

Fact, one fresh-cut cord of oak is said to have enough water to fill as much as six 55-gallon drums.

You can tell if wood is seasoned by looking at it. On the outside, seasoned wood probably looks grey and dusty from sitting around for a while.

Can we assist?

If you are looking to install a new wood burning stove, please do make contact and one of our qualified fitters will be happy to guide you.