I Want A Log Burner
Forward planning is a must if you want to install a new wood burner.
Due to the popularity of wood stoves HETAS registered fitters are busier than ever!!
This is causing long waiting lists, so if you want a new heating machine fitted best act NOW.
Will they save you money??? The easy answer is YES.
Regular use of a wood burner can knock a third off fuel bills, providing savings of at least £500/700 a year. There is a huge range of stoves to choose from, ranging in price from £400 to more than £2,000. A key consideration is how much heat it will pump out.
The correct wood for burning in your stove is vital
To get the best heating results from your stove hardwoods are generally better for burning than softwoods. As a rule of thumb hardwoods are produced by slow-growing deciduous trees and therefore the logs have a greater density than the faster growing softwoods from evergreen trees.
Since hardwood logs are heavier than the same sized softwood logs, they will provide you with much more heat output – up to 50%!!!
For the stove owner, using hardwood logs means having to fill the stove up less often than they would with softwood logs.
Using damp wood is just like boiling a kettle!!
- Be very hard and very slow to start.
- Be difficult to keep going or to keep burning well.
- Produce a very low heat output.
- Make the glass and firebricks dirty.
- Create excessive and rapid creosote build-up in the flue system and chimney.
Can we help?
If you would like assistance with your new or existing stove please make contact and one of our registered fitters will be happy to assist.