hetas registered136-griselade ideal moisture content

I Want To reduce My Heating Bills

I want to reduce my heating bills. Heating bills hurting your budget yet again?

Heating your home is a very costly exercise and the likelihood of it reducing in the near future is almost nil. Here’s a story that may inspire you.

From a client of ours –

“Last winter’s gas bills meant it was time to act. An engineer from Kent Stoves confirmed the idea of installing a woodstove was going to work well for us. We got the old gas fire and pipework removed, measured up our fireplace and started looking for a stove that would fit our relatively small fireplace”.

“We did our homework and got Kent Stoves advice as to the correct wood burner we would need to heat our living area”.

“Two months on, we have slashed our gas and electricity consumption. Although it is a bit early to say with certainty, I estimate we will have cut our bills by £600-£800 this year. We should recoup the cost of the stove and its installation in under three years.

“Meanwhile, we have upgraded the loft insulation – prompted by another article. And, if we keep the stove going all day, it heats the entire house. We still use the central heating to heat the bedrooms if it’s very cold”.

A wood burning stove can save you an awful lot of money and are relatively easy to maintain.

What to do if you want to save money

If you would like to know if you could benefit from a wood burning stove get in contact. One of our qualified fitters (HETAS) registered engineers will guide you in the right direction.


energy efficient stove ovale model hetas registered

HETAS Registered Installer Near Me

Hetas Registered Installer Near Me? Use a registered installer for peace of mind and safety

Whether you’re the proud owner of a shiny new stove, or your thinking of installing one. Firstly there are a few things that you need to know to really get the most out of that heating monster in the fireplace.

To ensure you get the maximum benefit from your new wood stove it is vitally important to have it fitted correctly.

The installation of a wood burner must comply with building regulations and the easiest way to do this is to use a qualified fitter.

HETAS registered installers deal with wood, solid-fuel and biomass domestic heating appliances and can self-certify that their work complies with building regulations, so it’s safe and legal.

Some benefits of installing a stove

  1. Increased property
  2. Smaller heating bills
  3. Power cut – no problem
  4. Environmentally friendly

Managing the air is crucial for efficiency.

As far as your stove is concerned, air comes in two types. Primary air feeds the bed of the fire, and secondary air feeds the flames above it. Nearly all the energy from wood comes from burning gases released when it is heated – which means that secondary air is much more important than primary.

Make sure you fully understand how to control the air to your new or existing stove.

Help with Hetas Registered fitting and servicing?

Finally if you would like assistance choosing a new stove for your home, please do make contact. One of our HETAS qualified fitters will be happy to help.

HETAS Registered Stove Installers

Hetas Registered Stove Installers and pointers to look out for when selecting your new wood stove!

A stove that is too small for the room will not be powerful enough to heat the room adequately, on the other hand, if you have a stove that is too large it will need constant attention to keep the temperature down.

A result of this is the combustion within the stove will not be complete and you will quickly have a build-up of soot not just on the glass, but up the chimney as well.

With this in mind, when calculating the required output, a slightly greater output should be considered (no more than 1.5kW), as there will be a greater need for rapid heating in the long dark cold months of winter.

Always fit where possible in a central position in the property.

As you are making a large investment within your home installing a new stove it really will pay to get expert help (HETAS registered) when selecting the stove to meet your needs.

Wood stoves are cleaner and more efficient than you think.

Open fireplaces are great, but they are not very energy efficient at approximately 20%. Wood burning stoves are much more efficient, at around 80%, so you get all the benefits of a real fire without most of your money going up the chimney in smoke!

Only burn mature logs – Vital information for heat and efficiency.

Wood is a far more environmentally friendly fuel than oil, gas and electricity – and subject to far less price rises. Freshly cut wood contains a lot of water, so you should dry it out before you can burn it. This can take as long as 18-24 months.

It is very unwise to burn wet or unseasoned wood as this will cause a soot build up in your chimney and make your burner very dirty.

Can we help?

If you would like assistance selecting and installing a new log burner, please get in touch. One of our HETAS qualified fitters will be happy to help.


energy efficient stove ovale model hetas registered

Energy Efficient Stove

Energy Efficient Stove New Options. Efficiency is vital, especially nowadays with heating costs being at a premium

As lovely as open fires are they are not energy efficient and only give approximately 20% output. Wood burning stoves are much more efficient, at around 70-90%.

Therefore you get all the benefits of a real fire without most of your money going up the chimney!

Wood burning stoves can reduce your carbon footprint with an energy efficient stove.

We all know the British weather can be very damp and cold as we are now experiencing, this is when you need a wood burner the most.

A professionally fitted wood stove will also reduce your home’s carbon footprint by at least 21% as burning wood is environmentally neutral and renewable energy. Just make sure you only burn the correct wood as recommended by your supplier.

 Save money on your heating bill

Installing a wood burner in your home could save you in the long term a great deal of money. The savings will depend on how efficient your new stove is and the fuel you use.

Crucial – Burning wood with 20% or less moisture will minimise pollutants and increase efficiency. Kiln-dried wood has less than 20% moisture but is more expensive than seasoned logs. Most stove owners burn seasoned logs, and 23% of the owners told us they collect free wood from local resources!!

If you can source your own supply of wood free that is even better but you should always stack it and allow it to mature for 18-24 months. Stack in the open air if possible and allow the air to flow, best just to cover the top with a waterproof covering.

Can we help?

Finally if you are thinking of installing a wood burning stove please contact us. One of our fully qualified (HETAS Registered) advisers will be happy to assist.