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Woodburning Stove Choice

Pointers to look out for when selecting your new wood stove!

A stove that is too small for the room will not be powerful enough to heat the room adequately, on the other hand, if you have a stove that is too large it will need constant attention to keep the temperature down.

A result of this is the combustion within the stove will not be complete and you will quickly have a build-up of soot not just on the glass, but up the chimney as well.

With this in mind, when calculating the required output, a slightly greater output should be considered (no more than 1.5kW), as there will be a greater need for rapid heating in the long dark cold months of winter.

Quality heating and far more comfortable

The biggest advantage homeowners have with a wood burning stove is the quality of heat the burner will give off. Wood stoves operate on the principal of radiant heat, which warms an area faster and more efficiently than warm air being blown through a home’s vent system. The powerful heat from a wood stove radiates from all sides of the unit as well as the top, sending warmth in all directions.

As you are making a large investment within your home installing a new stove it really will pay to get expert help (HETAS registered) when selecting the stove to meet your needs.

Can we help?

If you would like assistance selecting and installing a new log burner, please get in touch and one of our HETAS qualified fitters will be happy to help.


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Service your Stove

Now is a good time to service your wood stove.

Summer is here and we all forget about our lovely cozy stoves which keep us warm in the winter.

Now is the right time to do all the maintenance jobs to keep them functioning properly.

To keep your stove in good working order, the Industry recommends that you have your chimney swept at the beginning and the end of the winter to avoid a build-up of tar and soot, which could damage the chimney and stove when not in use.

From a safety point of view, blocked chimneys can also cause deadly carbon monoxide and fires.

One sweep should only cost £65-100.

Use matured logs only, saves money and keeps your chimney cleaner.

Wet or unseasoned logs will leave more sooty deposits and could increase the number of sweeps you need, so it’s best to use seasoned or kiln-dried wood to cut down on maintenance (minimum 2 years old).

If you have a pellet stove, you will also need to have a yearly service, as the stove has electrical working parts. This can cost around £150-£250. It’s also a good idea to clean out the ash from the ash pan and to clean the glass regularly. Keep in mind though that leaving a layer of ash can help to start a wood fire and keep it burning longer and cheaper.

It’s best to check the manufacturer’s guide for specific instructions on how often to clean your stove. If your stove has a cool air vent that helps to stop tar building up on the glass, you may not need to clean the ash or glass as often. Some stoves also have special clean-burn or clean-heat technologies, which pull in extra air to help burn off more smoke, reducing sooty deposits.

Can we help?

For all your wood burning appliance needs please get in contact and one of our registered fitters will be happy to assist.

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The Time is Right

Forward planning is a must if you want to install a new wood burner for the next winter.

Due to the popularity of wood stoves HETAS registered fitters are busier than ever!!

This is causing long waiting lists, so if you want a new heating machine fitted best act NOW.

Will they save you money??? The easy answer is YES.

Regular use of a wood burner can knock a third off fuel bills, providing savings of at least £500/700 a year. There is a huge range of stoves to choose from, ranging in price from £400 to more than £2,000. A key consideration is how much heat it will pump out.

New environmental standards for particle emissions come into force in 2022 aimed at creating a cleaner atmosphere. Already, stove manufacturers are rolling out eco-friendly burners with a Stove Industry Alliance Eco Design-ready stamp of approval. These reduce particle emissions by 90 per cent compared to an open fire and 80% compared to an old stove.

Efficiency and exceptionally good looking!

A modern wood burner is more efficient than many central heating systems and far more appealing to look at than a traditional white radiator.

The appeal is not just about installing a fashion statement. 

According to reports, regular use of a wood burner can knock a third off fuel bills, providing savings of at least £1000 a year.

There is a huge range of stoves to choose from, ranging in price from £500 to more than £2,000. 

Can we help?

If you are thinking of adding a wood burning stove to your home, please do make contact and one of our fully qualified (HETAS registered) fitters will be happy to assist.


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Affordable Heating

Do you want a warmer home this coming winter?

If the answer is YES read on…..

A wood burning stove can be installed virtually anywhere in your home, providing there is a way to run a vent pipe to the outside of the house. This means you can zone-heat any room or space, making heating a home with a wood burner very economic and practical.

Would you like more economical heating?

Wood is an inexpensive fuel source. It costs less per BTU than oil, gas, or electricity. Homeowners who practice strategic zone heating in their homes can save hundreds of ££’s in utility bills each year. With the promise that gas and electric prices are going to rise significantly in the coming months wood burning is looking as sound alternative.

Very fast quality heating

The biggest advantage homeowners have with a wood burning stove is the quality of heat the burner will give off. Woods stoves operate on the principal of radiant heat, which warms an area faster and more efficiently than warm air being blown through a home’s vent system. Fitted in a central position in your home you will be amazed how the rest of your house suddenly gets a whole lot warmer. In turn you will reduce any other heating bills you may have as the thermostat controlling your central heating remains off.

Are they good for the environment?

 Compared with using fossil fuels for heat (natural gas, propane, coal, etc.) wood is eco-friendlier. It’s considered “carbon-neutral,” which means when it burns, it doesn’t add additional carbon dioxide to the environment. This is because in its natural state as a tree, wood absorbs carbon dioxide that’s in the atmosphere. During combustion, a balance is maintained.

 Can we help?

If you would like assistance selecting and installing your new log burner, please get in touch and one of our qualified fitters will be happy to help.